Friday, August 8, 2014


Five has a few more of them.

Some background information...

Five is obsessed with stuffed animals.  I, on the other hand, am tired of all the stuffed animals in the house.  And I have put a moratorium on buying them, even with their own money. 

The other day, Five came home with a 'surprise'.  A friend had sold him a bag of his old stuffed animals for $5.  

And he was so happy and proud of the amazing deal he had made that he let his eight new best friends dance all over my bookshelf.  

Just what I wanted...

...although the capitalist in me is rather proud of the amazing deal he got...


In other Friend news, our friend dropped off some fresh, homemade wheat bread.  She must be a ST.  And those might also be her initials.  

We gobbled up the bread.  Thank you, ST.

And what Friend post could be complete with a nod to my friend Whole Foods?  I love their treats.  Do you have any idea how long it has been since I have been able to eat lemon meringue pie!?  It has been years!  I ate it and was reminded of my grandma, who made the best homemade lemon meringue ever.  Thank you, WF.  

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