Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Laie Temple

We stopped to visit the Laie Temple.  Wow.  It was incredibly beautiful.  

Here's a short side story.  Look closely at the picture below.  Do you see the couple walking toward each other?  They walked toward each other, embraced, and then separated.  He was a student at the local university and she was the very nice girl from Philadelphia who took our family pics.  

I assumed they were there together.  However, after they walked off, we saw her a little later with a sister and some nephews in the visitor center.  No student guy in site.  She left with her sister.  It was...unexpected after I randomly caught this very romantic scene earlier on.  

But, still a really interesting picture.  To me, anyway.

After enjoying the fountains, we went into the visitor's center.  I always find temple visitor's centers to be very peaceful.  This occasion was no exception.  

The boys wanted to stay much longer but we had places to go.  

Goodbye Laie Temple.

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