Monday, August 18, 2014

Sewing Projects Mania

It all started with this combo...

 and then started to spiral out of control...

...and officially took off into crazyland. 

I (strangely) have been cutting hundreds of triangles, with the eventual object of piecing them all back together again.  If that is not the definition of insanity, I don't know what is.  

And to further my nuttiness, I couldn't just stop at just one project.  


Fabrics called out to me at the store.  
"I'd be perfect for so and so..."  
"I was made to be put with that other fabric over there for your favorite friend/sister, etc..."

I've cut 11 projects worth so far.  Which is 1,320 triangles.  And I have at least 240 left to cut.  For a total of 13 projects to be pieced.  By Christmas.  I think I have officially checked out of sanityland.  

I think I should probably blame this on myself.  But I'm not going to.  No.  I am going to blame this on the person who started this all.  Let's call her Red.  She was the inspiration for the first project.  She was the catalyst.  She was the vinegar to my baking soda volcano of bubbling creativity.  Thanks a lot, Red.  I hope you visit me in bedlam.  I'll be the one with frizzed out hair, a sewing machine blurring in the background, while I talk to myself about what the fabrics suggested I do that day.

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