Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Polynesian Cultural Center

After the temple, we traveled to our final stop of the day - the Polynesian Cultural Center. 

It was beautiful and fun.  We watched lots of demonstrations and shows.  Here is the family at the Tongan show.  I allowed the boys to each get a souvenir - after they all faithfully promised that they would do their best to marry at least one of the daughters of my Tongan friend.  It is amazing what I can get them to agree to when they want some tribal weapons.  And don't think I won't hold them to it, either.  I don't care* if a couple of my boys will be significantly shorter than their girls.  

*And this is why they shy away from agreeing that I get to pick out their wives.  However, I also some lovely redheads picked out, a cute little blond, and another set of gem inspired sisters.  See.  I give them options.  

Here we are in the biggest dining hall I think I have ever seen.

And Baby learned his first joke.  Hey, Mom!  You want some seafood?  See my food!  Hahahaha!

Seriously.  This place was large.

Love this Funny Face!

And I liked the wall sconces.

This mural below reminded me of Husband and me.  Young, fit, happy, with kids joyfully playing in the background. 

Or how I picture Husband and me.

In everyday life, this is probably more the reality.  A little older, a little uh...wiser, with wild sons beating on the drums in the background, raising all kinds of ruckus.

After dinner, we took a canoe ride.  It was very pleasant and the Samoan Canoe Pilots were very funny.  

This was the longest canoe I have ever seen. 

After canoeing to foreign lands, we headed to the Pacific Theater for the evening show.  

It was awesome.  The boys loved the fire dancers and battle scenes.  I loved the death scene with all the angels.  Very beautifully depicted. 

After the show, we drove home.  But apparently I don't know how to put pictures in the right order.  So here are a few more. 

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