Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Chill Time

In between all of our adventures, we had some chill time.  Sometimes we walked around, sometimes we enjoyed the koi ponds, sometimes we hung out at the hotel and looked at the view.

And sometimes we ate ring pops.  Or in Baby's case, sometimes we ate our brother's ring pop.

There were so many beautiful scenes to look at.  We had the beach...and the pools...and the koi ponds.  

There were some ponds with fish and some with turtles.  I love koi ponds.  They are so calming.  

However, years ago, I made the mistake of telling my kids about the time Mommy fell into a koi pond and nearly drowned.  I was about four and we had a koi pond in our back yard in West Covina.  My mom was visiting with another woman inside the house and my older sister and I were playing in the backyard.  I remember leaning a little too far forward and then splash!  I was in the pond.  I remember my sister's panicked face, my mom helping me into the house and sending me to the shower to clean off, and the sting of Prell shampoo in my eyes as I tried to remove pond water from my whole body.  The koi pond was drained and filled in.    

You fall in one koi pond though and your kids will never let you forget it.  Every time we come near a koi pond - anywhere - the boys tease me about falling in.  "Don't go too close, Mom!  Watch out for the pond, Mom!"  Har, har, har.  Always amusing to them.

And this kid spent a lot of his down time in naps.  Apparently Mom and Dad were wearing him out for a change. It's nice to see the tables turned, once in a while. 

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