Several months ago we attended my sister's wedding. If, by the look of coloring, you thought my sister was the pretty dark-haired girl in the dress you would be wrong. My sister is the blonde. All my sisters are blonde. Except the one that is 'natural' redhead like me. But her hair is really very light. I am the only true brunette.
Anyway, we went and it was lovely.
(Baby was asleep in his stroller and so not in these first pictures.)
I rarely put pictures of my family on here. Because, while we do get together, we are super lame and almost never take pictures. (I think we are too busy laughing. Yeah. I'll go with that excuse.) Which is a shame. Because we are a nice looking bunch.
Three and Six
I think H looks gorgeous here. She was a beautiful bride.
By the by, I didn't ask permission to post these. Better to ask forgiveness and all that...
My sister, A. She is five years younger than me. And very blonde. All natural.
My nephew, H, and my Dad.
Me and my Dad's Wife, I.
I really like her. For the wedding she put purple streaks in her hair. How cool is she?!
My Dad and Six
My sister, L, and her boyfriend J.
She looks super young in this pic. But really she is only 12 years younger than me. Yeah. I feel old when I do the math.
Three, Six, and Four
In all their blue-eyed goodness.
Me and My Mini. He is the only one of my children to get my amazing eyes.
L, Looking her Normal Age.
I loved their cake. Gorgeous.
So just before this picture was taken, I told the funniest joke. Seriously. They couldn't stop laughing. At least that's how I remember it.
My Sisters and the Couple
Me and all my Blue-Eyed, Blonde-Haired (except for the 'red-headed cheater') Sisters
I feel like you can always play the game 'one of these is not like the other' with any pictures of me and my sisters growing up.
Don't get me wrong. Doesn't bother me. I just notice it. I love my hazel eyes and brunette hair. I've never wanted to be blonde and I've never disliked my eyes. I got my dad's coloring and my sister's all favor my mom. I felt special to be different.
My Nieces, S and M
This is the face my sister, A, always makes when she is telling an outrageous story. Usually about some criminal she arrested. I love this face.
My Sister, S's, Family with the Couple.
My Sister E with her Oldest Son, E.
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