Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Nefarious Summer

Now that school has begun, summer has officially ended.

I thought I might take the opportunity to cop to what I was up to this summer.

I committed genocide on thousands of living things.  And I don't feel bad about it.  It was the summer of ant invasions and if I could have killed more, I would have.

I cheated and wrote in the letters on several of my piano pieces.  My mind just does not work fast enough to figure out what line the note is on.  So I wrote in the letters and suddenly sounded mildly competent at the simple piano pieces I attempted.

I pocketed rocks from Sedona and coral from Hawaii to add to the collection of rocks and shells from our travels.

I bribed the children to be good.  Repeatedly.  They enjoyed many ice cream sandwiches and Popsicles for incentivized good behavior.

I lied to the children about what fun things I had planned so they could be surprised when it was time to go somewhere fun.  Husband did this too.  He told the boys to get ready for the pool.  But then he surprised them with the water park at Boomers.

I became addicted to Studio C and I enticed the children to fall victim as well.  Oh, the laughs!

When it is all tallied, I cannot help but notice how wicked my summer was.  Oh well.  No need to clean up the act now.  Halloween is just around the corner.

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