Monday, September 8, 2014



What have I been up to, you ask?

Since school started, I have had a fairly neat house.

And on the second day of school, just after the younger boys left, I plunged into a new writing project.

I love writing.  It is fun for me to disappear into a 'what if' world.  I have created several novels, a handful of novellas, and lots of short stories, mostly Halloween themed for the kids.  However, I don't get to do a lot of writing these days because of time.

But sometimes, the need to write is almost manic and I have to write or I will go batty.  So on Wednesday I wrote.  And wrote.  And wrote.  Twenty-two singles space pages by bedtime.  It felt so good to expel the story from my soul.  Cathartic.

Over the next few days, I wrote in every scrap of free time that I had.  (Alright, alright, I even wrote when I didn't have free time.  Sheesh!)

And on Saturday night, I finished my latest novella.  Forty-four single space pages with 18, 575 words.  The crazy drive to write was finally satisfied and I felt like I could think outside that fictional world again.  What a rush.  What an adventure.  

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