Monday, September 8, 2014

Cinnamon Roll - Uh Oh

I wanted to see if cinnamon rolls were any good if made with olive oil.  

(I frequently use olive oil when baking because my body can't handle some of the other more common oils.  And I use this exact recipe with olive oil when I make my homemade pizza recipe.)

So I made a half batch.

Uh.  No.  No, olive oil is not good for cinnamon rolls. 

It is fine for the dough part but should definitely not be used for the filling part.

Lesson learned.  And will definitely not be forgotten any time soon.  Ugh!  

The next day I whipped up a full batch with butter.  Ah, yes.  That's the good stuff. 

And my kids forgave me for the travesty with olive oil.

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