Monday, September 15, 2014

Scout Campout and Canoeing on the Colorado

Husband drove a pack of boys 5 hours (plus traffic) out to Vegas.  

They arrived late at night, camped in 92 degree weather, and got up early the next day.

At 4am the next morning, they packed up the campsite and took off for the Colorado River.

They entered just below Hoover Dam.

Looks gorgeous.  Lovely day, right?  

Well, mostly.  You see, very early on in the day, Husband and Three both got foot injuries.  Husband likes to shake off injuries so he just walked on it, albeit tenderly, but walked, hiked, canoed for several hours after the injury.  Then he drove 300 miles back home.  Then he decided to go to the emergency room.    

I don't think you can tell in the picture but it looked like he was smuggling a baseball in the side of his ankle.

Bad sprain.  In a place where he had fractured a bone before.  According to the x-rays anyway.  If you ask husband if he has ever broken a foot bone, he would just shrug it off.  "If I did, it was better in a few hours," he would say.  (He always thinks he will heal in a few hours - and usually it does.)  Anyway, he is on crutches.  They say 4-6 weeks to heal.  Husband says 4-6 days.  We'll see.  (Although I have been proven wrong many times before.)

Three is also feeling a little better.  He tweaked his toes and they were sore.  But he is now walking without wincing so I take that as a good sign. 

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